Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation
Sankt Augustin
In the "Studierwerkstatt" EMT students and mentors meet to prepare together for exams, to revise texts and compensate with more targeted work in particular shortcomings in the field of mathematics .
Studierwerkstatt : promote study skills
It is easier to learn together. Particularly in subjects where you just not get further on your own, it makes sense if you can get together with others and a certain mentor who can help. This is what the Studierwerkstatt of the Department EMT is founded for. Here you can improve your skills for especially your technical degrees. Mentors and lecturers help you to define and compensate deficits in particular in the mathematical and technical fields, so you can successfully complete the exams in mathematics and physics. Here you can set out individual learning goals and create your individual learning plan to well reach the goals that you have set out. Talk to us or just come over!
The Studierwerkstatt is a joint project of H - BRS StartGut and Pro - MINT -us.
The EMT-Department´s Project "H -BRS StartGut" offers students in special courses the opportunity to enhance their learning skills in mathematical and technical subjects. Accompanyed by individual support within the projects, students are more motivated to goal orientated start into a technical study and to successfully complete their final technical studies.
Also the university-wide project Pro-MINT-us has set itself the goal of supporting students in the introductory phase targeted in their mathematics, science and technical skills. The name stands for project-based learning in the STEM subjects: mathematics, computer science, science and technology.
In the "Studierwerkstatt" EMT students and mentors meet to prepare together for exams, to revise texts and compensate with more targeted work in particular shortcomings in the field of mathematics .