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Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Programme of the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School 2024

Codeshare Summer School 2023 Logo
The Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School goes into the next round in 2024: once again this year, students at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg will have the opportunity to take part in our digital and international courses free of charge from 29 July to 16 August. Please find the course descriptions for each offered course track below.

Summer School deadlines and key info at a glance

The time window of the Summer School in 2024 is June 29 until August 16.
The registration window is open until July 10, 2024. Registration are to be made via the online registration form only.
All courses are fully taught in English. Each course is limited up to max. 40 spots.

Summer School Week I: 29.07. - 02.08.2024

Please find the course information for the first week of the Codeshare Teaching & Learning Summer School here below:

TRACK A1: Finance - Crypto Assets and the Bitcoin Rush

TRACK A: Finance

A1) Crypto Assets and the Bitcoin Rush

Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Time: 09:00 – 13:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40


The course exposes students to Crypto Assets, Digital Currencies, and Tokenization incl. Bitcoin and the related financial market characteristics. We will address important questions about Bitcoin, such as:

  • How do Crypto Assets work?
  • What makes Bitcoin, in particular, stand out?
  • What determines the price of Bitcoins?
  • How shoud Cryptocurrencies be regulated?
  • What is the difference between Crypto Currencies and Digital Currencies issued by central banks?
  • How can financial institutions and other companies benefit from the Bitcoin “Rush”
  • What might the future hold?

After this course, students know everything they need to be able to separate fact from fiction when reading claims about Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. They have the conceptual foundations to assess the market potential of Crypto Assets and gain a solid understanding of current and future market developments.

TRACK B1: Data Science - Introduction to Big Data in Economics

TRACK B: Data Science

B1) Introduction to Big Data in Economics

Prof. Dr. Liu Yijiao, Shenzhen Technology University

Time: 14:00 – 18:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40

Discover the fundamentals of big data in economics in this introductory course. Explore how big data is collected, analyzed, and utilized to gain insights and inform economic decision-making. Gain practical knowledge of key concepts and techniques through interactive sessions and real-world examples by utilizing Python and other programming languages.

TRACK C1: Business and Management - Design Thinking and Innovation

TRACK C: Business and Management

C1) Design Thinking and Innovation

Oghenekome Umuerri, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Time: 09:30 – 12:30 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 15


Unlock your creative potential and drive innovation with our "Design Thinking and Innovation" course. This immersive program is designed to equip you with a robust understanding of the design thinking process, a human-centered approach to problem-solving that has been adopted by leading organizations worldwide.

Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical applications, you will learn to empathize with users, define problems, ideate creatively, prototype solutions, and test them rigorously. The course is structured to foster a collaborative environment where students can explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges

Summer School Week II: 05.08. - 09.08.2024

Please find the course information for the second week of the Codeshare Teaching & Learning Summer School here below:

TRACK A2: Finance - Introduction to Financial Derivatives

TRACK A: Finance

A2) Introduction to Financial Derivatives

Prof. Dr. Cui Di, Shenzhen Technology University

Time: 11:00 – 15:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40

Description: This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of financial derivatives, which are financial instruments whose value is derived from an underlying asset. Students will learn about the various types of derivatives, their uses, and the risks associated with trading them.

TRACK B2: Data Science - Quantitative Decision Making using R Software

TRACK B: Data Science

B2) Quantitative Decision Making using R Software

Dr. Peterson Owusu Junior, University of Cape Coast

Time: 07:00 – 11:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40


Quantitative Decision-Making using R Software" is an engaging five-day course that explores basic to intermediate statistics and visualizations, and machine learning with the R (free open source). The course explores the intersection of statistics, expanse data, and the availability of free software that is helping in effective decision-making in business and other spheres of life. Students will learn to apply their descriptive and inferential statistics knowledge with large real-world datasets. In addition, basic interactive visualizations and machine-learning techniques will be explored. By the end, participants will appreciate and apply the R software to make data-driven decisions for successful business outcomes.

TRACK C2: Business and Management - International Career Building

TRACK C: Business and Management

C2) International Career Building

Jens Andreas Faulstich, Hochschule Koblenz

Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: max. 20 per participating institution


  • Strategic planning of international projects and activities in academic contexts (short-term/long-term; student exchange or internship; thesis projects in other countries and cultures)
  • Effective job search methods in different regional and cultural environments (CV / resume writing; anti-discrimination policies in the HR sector; the role of social platforms and internship/job search engines in international career development)
  • Interview practices and simulated job interviews
  • Selected assessment centre tasks
  • Culture at work (hierarchies; written and unwritten rules of conduct; formal and informal communication styles)

After completing this course, students

  • know about job search methods in selected countries and cultural environments
  • are able to write convincing letters of motivation, CVs and resumes
  • are familiar with typical interview questions and are able to answer them in English
  • are familiar with selected assessment centre tasks
  • are aware of some cultural differences they need to expect and know some strategies for successful integration in an international work environment.

Summer School Week III: 12.08. - 16.08.2024

Please find the course information for the third week of the Codeshare Teaching & Learning Summer School here below:

TRACK A3: Finance - Financing the Circular Economy

TRACK A: Finance

A3) Financing the Circular Economy

Prof. Dr. Daniel Agyapong, University of Cape Coast

Time: 12:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40


The course explores the financial mechanisms and strategies necessary to support and sustain a circular economy. Students will delve into the principles of circular economy, examine innovative financing models, and understand the economic, social, and environmental impacts of transitioning from a linear to a circular economic model. By integrating case studies, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications, this course equips students with the tools to drive sustainable financial solutions. In this course, you will look at:

  • Introduction to the Circular Economy
  • Innovative Financing Models for the Circular Economy
  • Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis
  • Case Studies in Circular Economy Financing

TRACK B3: Data Science - Intelligent Insights: Mastering Chat GPT and other AI Applications in Science and Business

TRACK B: Data Science

B3) Intelligent Insights: Mastering Chat GPT and other AI  Applications in Science and Business

Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Time: 09:00 – 13:00 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40


“Intelligent Insights: Mastering Chat GPT and Other AI Applications in Science and Business" is an engaging and comprehensive five-day course that delves deeply into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. This course primarily focuses on the revolutionary GPT technology and its wide array of applications across various fields. Participants will explore how AI is transforming international business practices and scientific research methodologies, providing a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The course offers hands-on experience with cutting-edge AI tools, including OpenAI's GPT, ensuring that students gain real-world experience. Throughout the course, students will learn to harness the full potential of these advanced AI tools, applying them in diverse, real-world contexts. The curriculum also includes a critical examination of AI ethics and the societal implications of widespread AI adoption, fostering a balanced understanding of the technology. By the end of the course, participants will not only comprehend the theoretical foundations of AI but also effectively apply these powerful tools in their university studies and professional careers, enhancing their problem-solving capabilities and decision-making processes in their respective fields.

TRACK C3: Business and Management - Global Leadership

TRACK C: Business and Management

C3) Global Leadership

Prof. Dr. Chen Hao, Shenzhen Technology University

Time: 13:30 – 17:30 (CEST)
Maximum number of participants: 40


We are caught in an everchanging environment for business, global polarization, technology disruption and breakthrough, social media and extremism, to name a few. To tackle into new opportunities and challenges in such an uncertain and ambiguous era, business leaders need to develop relevant capabilities and find creative solutions. In this course, we build on leadership theories and cross-cultural management literature to identify critical issues you may face when managing business in a global setting.

Register now for the Summer School Courses in 2024

From June 29 until August 16 the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Summer School will be offered in 2024: once again this year, students at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg will have the opportunity to take part in our digital and international courses in the field of Management Sciences with focus on "Finance", "Data Science" and " Business and Management". This year's time window of the Summer School is June 29 until August 16, 2024. All courses are fully taught in English. The registration window is open until July 10, 2024.


ralf_meyer.jpg (DE)

Ralf Meyer

Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften Campus Sankt Augustin, Professor für Business Administration und International Financial Management


Sankt Augustin


E 138


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Isabella Kern Personenporträt Mitarbeiterin IZNE

Isabella Kern

Geschäftsführerin des Studiengangs MBA CSR & NGO Management, Website Admin & Online-Marketing Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften


Sankt Augustin


E 110


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Termine buchbar über meine Calendly-Seite (siehe Link unter "Weiterführende Links"): Online Termine: Mittwochs, 13-14 Uhr




H 104


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Contact hours

Termine buchbar über meine Calendly-Seite (siehe Link unter "Weiterführende Links"): Online Termine: Mittwochs, 13-14 Uhr