Fachbereich Informatik
Structure Bachelor Computer Science
Special regulations may apply for the dual bachelor of computer science. Please check with your cooperation partner:
The regular period of study is six semesters. During the first three semesters the focus is on the basic principles of theoretical computer science and mathematics. Students become familiar with analytical and abstract thinking and algorithms.
In the remaining three semesters students will gain further knowledge in the areas of coding, systems software and networks. A specialization within the field of information science is selected. Additionally students get to chose several core electives.
For an overview of all subjects and lectures please see the section modules.
Courses and examinations will be held mostly in German, sometimes in English.
Examinations take place at the end of each semester after the lectures are completed.
Skills and knowledge will be tested and further developed in practical problem solving tasks in projects and during a 10 week practical phase. The courses and projects typically take place in small groups and are sometimes interdisciplinary with other sections of the university or with companies and institutions outside the university.
The Bonn-Rhine-Sieg science region offers an excellent framework for cooperations, especially for the practical phases and theses thanks to the universities, scientific institutions, and innovative companies located in the region.
Going abroad
We are proud of our network of foreign universities and support students actively in going abroad. For more information about our international partners and possibilities to spend some time at a foreign university, please see
or make an appointment with our Team International
The modular structure of the studies and the valuation of the modules and courses according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) makes international student exchanges easier. The bachelor program comprises a total of 180 credits.