Institut für KI und Autonome Systeme (A2S)

Prof. Dr. Nico Hochgeschwender joins the Autonomous Systems faculty

nico_hochgeschwender_portraet_2019_foto_juri_kuestenmacher.jpg (DE)

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2023

Posted on 02.10.2019

We are happy to welcome (back) Prof. Nico Hochgeschwender – the newest member of the Autonomous Systems faculty.

Prof. Hochgeschwender was part of the research staff in the Autonomous Systems Group until completing his PhD in 2017. He then went on to do a post-doc at the University of Luxembourg and was then a leader of the group for intelligent software systems at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He conducts research on robotics and autonomous systems, with a particular focus on their safety and security.

More information about his profile is provided at: (only in German)

Foto: J. Küstenmacher