Institut für KI und Autonome Systeme (A2S)

b-it-bots bring home gold… again!

Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2023

Posted on 19.04.2010

Johnny and the gang have successfully defended their German Open title yesterday, April 18th, 2010, in Magdeburg!

In Magdeburg, five German teams and one Dutch team had to show that their robots were able to navigate and interact autonomously in a home environment. Johnny, proved that it can recognize the inhabitants of this home and their guests and even, to a certain degree, the emotional state they are in. Johnny is able to learn their names, remember objects and their positions and function despite the background noise which is a major problem at competitions and cannot be realistically simulated in the lab.
In the Demo Challenge scenario, Johnny received the restaurant’s guests at the entrance, delivered their orders from the kitchen, chose music according to the guests’ emotional state and helped evacuate the restaurant when there was a (simulated) fire in the kitchen.

Congratulations to Johnny and its team Thomas Breuer, Geovanny Giorgana, Zha Jin, Christian Müller, Frederik Hegger, Shashank Sharma, Shahmi Junoh, Jose Ruiz, Dr. Ronny Hartanto, Jan Paulus, Michael Reckhaus, Nico Hochgeschwender, Azamat Shakhimardanov, Prof. Gerhard Kraetzschmar and Prof. Paul Plöger!

Preparations are well under way for the World Championships in Singapore this June!