Verifiable Composition of Dynamics and Control Algorithms for Robot Motion (VeriComp)
Forschungsprojekt im Überblick
Fachbereiche und Institute
01.11.2019 to 30.11.2020
Projektleitung an der H-BRS
Generating robot motion is mandatory to accomplish a plenitude of real-world tasks which usually require feedback control schemes and the application of advanced force/motion control concepts. However, realizing this requires composing the concepts from domains such as geometry, mechanics or control in non-trivial ways which makes predictability of system-level properties related to performance, safety and other important categories difficult to achieve.
VeriComp aims at addressing this challenges by augmenting functional composition inside components with verifiable properties and domain-specific extension. Thereby VeriComp shall enable important robot stakeholders such as function developers and component supplierto create verifiable compositions of functions, package those into components while propagating verifiable properties and analyze system-level composition of components with respect to ultimately emerging performance and safety properties.