Bibliothek H-BRS

E-learning workshops with lecturers from Ghana

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2021

Colleagues from our partner university, the University of Cape Coast, visited us this year as part of the BET Ghana project "Building Expertise and Training for Growth in the Consumer Goods and Food Processing Industries in Ghana".

For the third year in a row, the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg has invited West African colleagues to attend the workshop week and receive further education in media-didactic topics. The workshops have been offered and conducted by the library's e-learning team and the Language Centre in strict compliance with the present Corona rules and requirements.

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The 13 visitors from the fields of teaching and e-learning learned the basics of digital teaching, the use of e-learning software and video production with smartphones from 15 to 19 November 2021. The four full-day workshops were specially designed for the participants and adapted to the individual needs and special features of the infrastructure in Ghana.

At the events "Going (more) digital: Strategy Session" and "Putting it all together: Planning ahead" by Daniel Seibert from the Language Centre, the development of an organisational structure at the University of Cape Coast for digital teaching and learning and the clarification of responsibilities were on the agenda.

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Alin Bernunzo from the library's e-learning team gave visitors an insight into the didactics of distance learning and presented (free) e-learning tools that can be used for online collaboration and activation.

In the workshop "Creative Videos in Higher Education" by Habiba Mohtadi, Tim Trampert and David Marker from the videoLAB, the delegation from Ghana learned how they can easily produce effective videos for teaching with their smartphones using the storytelling method.

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With the newly gained knowledge, the Ghanaian colleagues want to further expand online teaching at their home university and make it more efficient. Since 2019, the BET Ghana project has been supporting cooperation and the exchange of experience between the University of Cape Coast and the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and, within the framework of delegation trips, not only facilitates further training in media didactics, but also the acquisition of intercultural skills.