Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation

Prof. Seuser at the International Media Forum on Nature

Donnerstag, 25. April 2019

The importance of forests for the people, biodiversity and climate protection took centre stage during the three-day congress, to which the NGO Greenaccord had invited to San Miniato from 7 to 9 March. Katharina Seuser contributed to sustainable forestry in specialised journalism and moderated the panel on the importance of the forest for biodiversity.

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Around 100 environmental journalists and scientists from all over the world accepted the invitation of the Italian hosts. The event included panels on the economic and environmental value of the forest, eco-services, communication and the dramatic depletion of the Amazon rainforest. It closed with the awarding of the Greenaccord Media Award and a statement by the journalists involved in the protection of the forests.

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Katharina Seuser brought in the perspective of specialised journalists reporting on forest management in the EU. Forest areas are increasing across Europe, but biodiversity and resilience needs to be steadily improved through sustainable forest management. Specialised journalists also report on the conflicts between economic use and nature conservation and can, according to Seuser, also contribute to the mutual understanding of the often hardened fronts.

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In the lectures and discussions, the focus was always on climate protection. The current occasion was the call of the Club of Rome, who had urged a week earlier to do more for global climate change.

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