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Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation

SIS, LEA and EMT-Study Information

Here you can find more about SIS, LEA and EMT-Study Information
SIS - Study Information System (Login)

The student information system SIS is the central platform of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences for all formal matters such as exam registration, exam results or re-registration.

LEA - Learing Platform (Login)

The learning platform LEA is the central teaching and learning platform of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. LEA is based on the open source software ILIAS and is used as a learning management system at many universities.

At LEA, you will find all the subject-specific and department-specific things for your daily studies. For example, study materials, courses or the personal desk . At LEA you can download tasks and lesson materials as well as upload the edited tasks again.

There are LEA courses to be invited to, open LEA groups to join, and also closed LEA groups to become a member via an application you make. There is also the eCollege , where students can continue their education independently.

EMT Studieninfos (EMT Study Information)

The EMT-Studieninfos are an open group in LEA and a kind of intranet for the EMT department. The EMT study information are the central point of contact for all EMT students within LEA. All relevant information for daily study - from leaflet to current communication - is bundled in this forum. To get to the forum, log in to LEA and join the EMT Studieninfos group once.

EMT-Studieninfos-Grafik_2015-11-29 (DE)
Set up EMT study information as LEA start page

EMT-Studieninfos_als_Startseite_20151129 (DE)

Old lecture server (deactivated)

The operation of the lecture server was discontinued on 01.01.2017 for technical and licensing reasons. Lecture scripts are only available from LEA or the lecturer.