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PhDs at H-BRS: Facts and Figures

Doing a PhD at H-BRS or not? That is not a question. The Graduate Institute (GI) was founded in 2011 and promotes interdisciplinary and sustainable young scientists. Here are some interesting facts (last update 12/31/21):

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Total number of ongoing doctoral supervisions at the H-BRS:
96 of which 55 male, 41 female

The figures refer exclusively to validated doctoral projects with both a working title and a supervisor at H-BRS plus a second one at a cooperating university. The H-BRS thus applies comparatively high standards in counting the number of doctoral projects.

Number of ongoing doctoral supervisions in the individual departments:
30 in the department of Management Sciences
19 in the department of Computer Sciences
14 in the department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism
29 in the department of Natural Sciences
4 in the department of Social Security Studies

In 2021, a total of four doctorates were successfully completed, three in the Department of Computer Science and one in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism.