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International Office

Support for those affected by the war in Ukraine

H-BRS strongly condemns Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Many people are suffering, their dreams and perspectives from peacetime are hardly realizable. Studying and working in science are also only possible under tremendously difficult conditions, if at all. With an emergency fund, H-BRS supports students who have fled. For our partner university Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (CPNU), which was hit hard by bombs and drone attacks, the H-BRS asks for donations.

CPNU says: Thank you!


Graduates and alumni of H-BRS donated at the graduation ceremony 2023 for a student project at Chernihiv Polytechnical University. Now Students and employees of our partner university say thank you for the donation in a video. The money has been spent for equipment for a MakerSpace where students can train practicall skills.

current amount donated 10.000 €

(31 March 2024)
Erster Stromgenerator erreicht die CPNU

21 October 2023: At the graduation ceremony, the graduates of the 2022/2023 academic year and their guests donated to the students in Chernihiv. A total of €2,380 was donated, which will be used for a MakerSpace.

8. August 2023: H-BRS hands over laboratory equipment to partner university in Ukraine.

April 2023: The first generator financed by H-BRS donations was handed over to the CPNU these days.

Zerstörte Fenster am Universitätsgebäude in Chernihiv
zerstörte Fensterfronten an einem Universitätsgebäude | Photo: CPNU

At our partner university Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, around 30,000 square meters of space have been hit, in some cases massively, by bombs and drones: 4,000 square meters of windows have been shattered, the entire heating system has been destroyed, roofs, walls, floors and doors have been hit, as well as information technology, laboratories and research equipment. Currently, repair work on buildings and laboratories is ongoing with a great deal of commitment and improvisational talent.

Bombeneinschlag in der Sporthalle der Universität Chernihiv
Bomb blast in the university gymnasium | Photo: CPNU

H-BRS is therefore asking for monetary donations to help make study and research at our partner university possible again. For example, the university management of CPNU is asking for the following:

  •    Power generators (approx. 3,000 euros)
  •     Laboratory equipment (e.g. oscilloscope, approx. 1000 Euro)
  •     Computers (e.g. server PC, approx. 1000 Euro)
  •     Printer, scanner, toner (approx. 150 Euro)

Donations in kind (e.g. power generators, newer IT like laptops, lab equipment) are also welcome after prior arrangement. Please contact us for this purpose ( For transportation, the partner university has presented a reliable solution. A visiting scientist from CPNU, who is currently working at H-BRS, assists with focused communication with the CPNU management.


H-BRS-Mitarbeiter Thomas Schmitz und Dr. Olexandr Velihorskyi an der CPNU
Left: Thomas Schmitz (H-BRS) during a visit at CPNU in 2019. Right: Dr. Olexsandr Velihorskyi, visiting scientist at H-BRS | Photo: CPNU

We look forward to your donation to the following donation account:

  • Account holder: BRS Institut für Internationale Studien e. V. an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
  • IBAN: DE46 3705 0299 0045 0743 21
  • reason for payment: support Ukraine

Your donation is tax deductible (in Germany):

„Despite all the difficulties faced by our country, we students of Chernihiv Polytechnic continue our studies. Under the conditions of constant shelling of Ukraine's critical infrastructure, we continue to study online despite blackouts. Chernihiv Polytechnic National University operates, students study, we all help the Armed Forces of Ukraine together. I am sure that in the future our country will be a free European state and the students of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University will become qualified specialists who will help rebuild the country. Everything will be Ukraine!”

Oleksandr Likhuta - student of MPM-211 group

20221216 CPNU Bilder Wiederaufbau_Foto CPNU

„In March of this year, during active military operations in the city of Chernihiv, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University suffered significant damage from artillery shelling and aerial bombardment by the russian federation army. The total damage to the University from Russian aggression is estimated at 5 million euros. We are grateful to the entire European community, which provides invaluable support to Ukraine and the University in particular, it gives us faith in Victory and gives us the strength to fight on. Our strength lies in unity! We will rebuild, we will win!”

Oleh Novomlynets - Rector of the University

20221216 CPNU Bilder Wiederaufbau_Foto CPNU


Professor Bode (DE)

Jürgen Bode

Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity, Professor at the Department of Management Sciences (Rheinbach Campus), Alumni Commissioner




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von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 604


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53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 604
Marco Winzker 1 (DE)

Marco Winzker

Vice President Teaching, Learning and Digital Transformation/Teaching area digital technology and fundamentals of electrical engineering


Sankt Augustin


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Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 603