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Start-up Development and Impact Innovations (MBA)

Teaching and exams

The MBA programme Start-up Development and Impact Innovations combines theory and practice through an innovative teaching concept of blended learning, online and face-to-face teaching. The focus is on skills and application-orientated teaching and examination types. Students are free to decide whether they want to apply the content to intrapreneurship, i.e. in-house innovation, or entrepreneurship, i.e. setting up their own company. The assignments and exams are worked on according to the desired application reference.


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Practical teaching is consistently implemented in the curriculum by relating the content and assignments within each module to the students' individual innovation. In this way, the students' own start-up or innovation project can be continuously developed over the course of the programme.

The design of the Master's programme encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning process and ensures the necessary independence through a high proportion of self-study. The courses are both structured and flexible. By organising the online courses MBA Connect predominantly outside normal working hours from Monday to Thursday from 5 p.m. and the presentation dates on selected weekends in the semester on Friday afternoons and Saturdays, the MBA is geared towards the individual needs of working students.

In order to ensure that teaching is up to date, at least 50 per cent of the lecturers are from (start-up) practice. The MBA therefore not only utilises the advantages of digital teaching, combined with face-to-face sessions for direct application and networking, but also the latest knowledge from the start-up ecosystem.

Additional benefits for our MBA students

As a special extra-curricular extra, students can also take advantage of professional (group) coaching for personal development as well as start-up and legal advice during the semester. Among other things, the start-up advisors at Start-up-Manufaktur are on hand to provide support when it comes to implementing innovation projects or support with funding applications. Our students also benefit from our start-up network and have the opportunity to take part in other events and workshops.

Online and blended learning modules

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MBA Connect on up to three dates per semester

  • Online kick-off at the beginning of the semester: Content impulse/input and distribution of tasks
  • Up to two online check-ups and Q&A sessions
  • Supplementary face-to-face appointment possible

The dates will be announced in good time before the start of the semester.

Presence modules

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Seminar room Berlin at DIGITALHUB.DE in Bonn. Source: DIGITALHUB.DE

The interactive classroom courses take place on Friday afternoons and Saturdays on two weekends each semester. The dates will be announced in good time before the start of the semester.

► Entrepreneurial Skills l - Purpose and Behaviour (1st semester)

► Entrepreneurial Skills II - Digital Presentation and Communication (4th semester)

Teaching methods

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  • Presentations and guest lectures
  • Ppractical courses, case studies and group work
  • Excursions
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Online lectures and On-demand teaching
  • E-learning components (including online scripts, videos, links, podcasts)
  • Discussion- and scenario-based learning
  • Interactive workshops
  • Business plan development
  • Practical courses and case studies
  • Individual one-to-one and group coaching

Teaching benefits

- More flexibility and predictability for working students
- Students develop their own start-up or innovation project in each module
- Practical application
- Networking
- Direct feedback from lecturers and fellow students
- Experiencing personal development


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Each module concludes with a module examination at the end of the course. The examination period is at the end of each semester, directly after the lecture period. The individual exam and submission dates will be announced in good time. In each module, students acquire internationally recognised and transferable credit points (ECTS) and the modules are assessed either with a grade or "pass"/"fail". The standard period of study is five semesters for part-time students or four semesters in the fast-track model. In the accelerated version, students have the opportunity to study the modules of the regular 4th semester on-demand and take the examination results in semesters 1 to 3.

No written examinations. Instead, the focus is on direct application instead of memorisation. The module examination can often be completed during the semester. The respective examination type of the modules is specified in the module catalogue and is largely limited to the following examination types:

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Online and blended learning modules (graded)

  • Oral individual or team presentations + submission of a portfolio / (e)-portfolio (in the case of own start-up or innovation project, the assignment refers to this; alternatively to a fictitious module-related project topic)

► These modules conclude with an oral presentation of the portfolio in the forum (online or in person). The feedback on the digital presentation can then be incorporated into the final version of the portfolio before submission.

Presentation modules (ungraded)

  • Practical course and minimum participation in events
  • Presentation

Benefits exams

- No written examinations. Direct application instead of memorisation.
- Examination results for graded modules (portfolios) are application-orientated and relate to the student's own project.
- Students' start-up or innovation project can be further developed during the semester.
- Definition of standardised examination types for more predictability.
- Improvement of digital presentation skills.
- Lived feedback culture: direct feedback from lecturers and fellow students.
- Personal development through constructive experiences and self-organisation

The specific dates for the online and classroom courses in the first semester will follow within the next few months. All information, including an overview of lectures and information about the rooms, can be found in LEA for enrolled students.

Do you still have questions?

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Christine Haake

Research Assistant, Coordinator MBA programme Start-up Development, Project Management Start-up Manufaktur

CENTIM - Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs




H 303


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359 Rheinbach

Contact hours

Consultation appointment bookable via Calendly: Link below


+49 2241 865 9606
Renate van Beek (DE)

Renate van Beek

Research assistant, Program Coordinator MBA Start-up Development




Raum H 303


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9920