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Department of Computer Science

game.impulse Interactive Sports Techn. & Exertion Games


Wednesday, 14 April 2021


17:00 - 17:30

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Mit der Vorlesungsreihe game.impulse hat der Studiengang Master in Visual Computing and Games Technology eine Reihe von kurzen Impulsvorträgen von Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft zu ausgewählten Themen des Game Designs und der Spieleentwicklung initiiert. Sie sind Teil der Reihe: "Visual Computing - Kolloquium". 

Diese Vorlesungen sind sowohl für Studierende der Universität Bonn-Rhein-Sieg als auch anderer Hochschulen (nach einer kurzen Anmeldung) zugänglich. Die ersten Vorträge der Reihe verdeutlichen den Fokus und die Expertise des Dozententeams im Bereich der Virtuellen Realität durch die gezielte Betrachtung von VR-Spielen.

Als Gast begrüßen wir Dr. Florian Daiber vom DFKI in Saarbrücken.

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Sports technology such as fitness trackers, smart watches or heart rate sensors have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Together with general advances in gaming technology this enables “athletes” to exercise in a playful manner. Besides the general assumption that this technology improves motivation to exercise more often, it also enables the athlete to get a better understanding of her current form and technique. However, current sports technology is mainly focused on quantifiable performance indicators such as mileage, pace, cadence, watts, heart rate, etc. For recreational athletes, it is often difficult to interpret such numbers especially while being immersed in an activity.

Complex exercises and motor movements might be difficult to learn through an interactive system or game. An effective analysis of the actual performance of the motor movements can only be provided by professionals or expert coaches using post-workout slow motion video analysis. Since most athletes have no clue about biomechanics and no access to a professional coach, this might lead to adaptation of wrong techniques and might even cause injuries. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to go beyond feedback that addresses just the quantitative aspects of the exercise and focus on meaningful guidance that gives insights into the qualitative aspects of the exercise. Designing such interactive assistance systems brings a lot of challenges. The system has to sense the user's movements, interpret them, and guide her in such a way that she is able to easily adapt to the changes the system suggests. To achieve this, a deliberate choice of both sensors and actuators has to be made.


In this talk we aim to discuss interactive systems and exertion games that guide the athletes performance while exercising. Topics of interest range from engineering problems to research methods as they apply in the context of HCI and sports.


Short Bio

Florian Daiber is a postdoctoral researcher and group leader at the Ubiquitous Media Technology Lab (UMTL) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken, Germany. His main research is in the field of human–computer interaction, 3D user interfaces and ubiquitous sports technologies. Currently, Florian is mainly involved in projects on 3D interaction in mixed realities and wearable technologies for sports and health. Florian is co-organizing the UbiComp Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing in the Mountains, the Workshop on Understanding human–computer interaction in Outdoor Recreation, the workshop on everyday proxy objects for virtual reality and the workshop on cross-reality (XR) interaction. He served on various program committees in the field of human–computer interaction, e.g., ACM ETRA, IEEE VR, and ACM Symposium on Computer–Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY).





Ernst Kruijff

Professor for Human Computer Interaction, Co-Director Institute of Visual Computing (IVC)


Sankt Augustin


C 273


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9616
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André Hinkenjann

Founding director of the Institute of Visual Computing, Research Professor Computer Graphics and Interactive Environments

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


C 167


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 229
