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International Office

Past Events

Here you can find an overview of past events at the International Office.

EUROPE DAY - The winners have been decided on

Thank you to everyone who visited us at our booth on Monday, 09.05.2022, Europe Day. We were very happy to have a chat with you and exchange ideas! 

Congratulations to the two winners of our Europe quiz.




Declarations of love to your favorite country!

Our Valentine's Day 2022 was full of declarations of love. As part of the "Action Valentine's Day - Declarations of Love", students were invited to send a few words to their favorite country. We thank all participants for sending in these touching letters.
We have all fallen in love with places we have visited, lived in, or always dreamed of visiting. It may also be that the place we love the most is the land of our birth. 
Here we share with you some of these wonderful declarations of love.

Brief der Liebeserklärung zu India 20021702 Foto Fatemeh Shahinmehr (DE)

"Dear Germany
As it's valentine’s day, I think it's a suitable time to express my feelings about you
I have fallen in love with you since the first time that I saw you on 6th September 2021!
My beloved country, all you have are green.
Do you know what does it mean?
You have a green heart
Because you are so kind and generous. You offer the opportunity for international students to study for free. You are also supporting a cascade of refugees from different national backgrounds.
Plus, your face is green.
You attract everyone by your greenery areas, picturesque locations, and fantastic nature.
You have a green mind, as well.
Your Name always is shining among the best countries in science, economy, democracy, and other areas.
Stay green
Your lover,
Fatemeh Shahinmehr"

Brief der Liebeserklärung zu Ägypten 20021702 Foto Susanne Patt-Bohlscheid (DE)

"Ach Ägypten, wie gerne würde ich wiederkommen, um in Tempeln zu staunen, in Souks zu verhandeln, in Gräbern Malereien zu bewundern, dem Nil beim Fließen zuzuschauen. Ich möchte Hatschepsut im neuen Nationalmuseum besuchen und Nefertari in Abu Simbel, meine nächste Katze Bastet nennen und  von meinen eigenen Uschebtis träumen, die, wenn ich Arbeit habe, rufen „Ich will es tun, hier bin ich."

Susanne Patt-Bohlscheid"

Gedicht zu meinem Lieblingsland - Italia 20021702 Foto Selina Gerick (DE)

„Im Süden Europas bist du daheim,
Ach wie gern würd ich wieder bei dir sein.
An deinen Stränden entlang will ich gehn‘
Und auf die Weite des Meeres sehn‘,
Deine köstlichen Eissorten schlecken,
gute Pizza und Pasta schmecken,
Sie Sehenswürdigkeiten deiner Städte genießen,
Die Hügel der goldenen Toskana betrachten
Und in der Mittagssonne Schmachten,
Den guten Wein von dir trinken und in Erinnerungen an dich vorsinken.
Viva Italia!“

Brief der Liebeserklärung zu meinem Lieblingsland 20221702 Foto Terence Mua (DE)

She is hue and time,
ages like fine wine!
Flows through the desert like the Nile,
the elders talked about her lucid smile
the Griot´s word painted a vivid profile
thoughts on her oneness were versatile.
Till the day I met her after a cold lonely night,
bathing in the warmth of Saharan sun
her melanin illuminated the heart of the desert
like a lantern in a dark lonely street
I dare to look into her eyes
And got lost like a laboratory rat in a labyrinth
A lost teardrop rolled down her check,
Touched the floor and life began!
That day, the Sahara reverted into a savanna,
A dime? No!
Beautiful words were sterile,
And rich emotions, poor
My eyes naked and my heart opened
Her very presence unleashed a cocktail of emotions,
caressing my soul like a jazz melody on a lazy day
at a sunny beach of the Seychelles
oh Afrika, I love you
Oh Cameroon, I adorn you
We´ll always stick together like glue
Cause love was meant for two
As told by the Alchemist,

Terence F. Mua”

Brief der Liebeserklärung zu meinem Lieblingsland – Scotland 20221702 Foto Fabienne Lang (DE)

“A Wee Love Letter to Scotland
Your lochs are breath taking,
your legends are soul-shaking.
Your cities are vibrant,
and you never fail to fill me with excitement.
Oh, my sweet Scotland,
how I love you.
Yours truly,

Fabienne Lang”

Brief Sringeri Sharada  20021702 Foto Kaushik Manjunatha (DE)

“It has been almost 2 years that I could not visit my country again, due to COVID.

So here is my love declaration for my beloved country INDIA.
"With me and India it’s all about leaving and returning. Karnataka is my home. It’s a very complicated relationship. When you are away too long you get homesick, and when you are there too long you are sick of home. I love INDIA"


Brief der Liebeserklärung zu Indien 20021702 Foto Kishan Sawant (DE)

“This letter is with regard to expressing my love and respect towards my country, India.

India. India and mother feel like synonyms. India, the land of diversity, the land of culture, the land of rivers, the land of colours, the land of flavours, the land of unity, the land of brotherhood, the land of care, the land of spirituality, the land of scenery, the land of mountains, the land of brave hearts, the land of achievers, the land of wildlife, the land of greenery.

Such a beautiful feeling isn't it, the feeling towards one's own country is so serene. Its memory brings a broad smile to the face. As is this love towards one's homeland, I love my homeland, my India. The land which spreads kindness, joyfulness and happiness.

This extreme love also brings the greater responsibility of service towards the nation, which brings about the highest form of satisfaction. The responsibility to preserve its heritage, the responsibility to bring equality, the responsibility to develop future representatives, this list will keep growing on. This responsibility is the realisation of my love for my country.

Let this love towards one's nation prosper in everyone's heart and let us celebrate peace, health, happiness and love. Let this valentine's day be the greatest celebration of mutual co-operation and harmony.

With lovely wishes and hope,

Kishan Sawant”

A jury decided on the winners of the photo/video contest "Places of Longing" within the framework of Respect 2021! 

This year once again a great number of stunningly beautiful, interesting and also very different photos has been submitted from your stays abroad and "at home". Thank you so much for your active participation and the great portion of wanderlust that you have awakened with these photos along with their beautiful texts.

The selection has not been easy for the jury this year either, but the winners have been determined. Here you can see the nine most astonishing pictures of the contest:

First place: Keri Keri/New Zealand

Sternehimmel in Neuseeland 20180908 Foto Nicolas Erl (DE)
Nicolas Erl, Business Information Systems

 "2018 habe ich in Neuseeland die High School besucht. Jeden Abend habe ich mir den Nachthimmel angesehen und auf Sterne gehofft. Ich wünsche mich bei der Betrachtung jedes Mal zurück in jene klare Sommernacht." - Nicolas Erl


Second Place - Preikestolen/Norway

Blick über den Fjord am Felsvorsprung in Norwegen 20190728 Foto Steffen Happel (DE)
Steffen Happel, Mechanical Engineering

 "Nach einer 3-stündigen Wanderung glücklich am Felsvorsprung, 600 m über dem Fjord, den Sonnenaufgang genießen, war eine besondere Erfahrung." - Steffen Happel


Third place - Korcula/Croatia

Hinterhof in Kroatien im Sommer 20210827 Foto Ilka Weiand (DE)
Ilka Weiand, Devision of university planning, evaluation and controlling

 "Es ist für mich ein Sehnsuchtsort, da allein die Erinnerung daran mich glücklich stimmt und mich alle Ängste und Sorgen bedingt durch Corona vergessen lässt." - Ilka Weiand


Places 4-8: Photos from Egypt, India, Sweden, Japan und Norway

Hängematte am Strand in Ägypten 20210508 Foto Sonja Howard (DE)
Goldener Tempel mit Wachen in Indien 20160602 Foto Tobias Held (DE)
Schlittenhunde in Schweden 20190209 Foto Lars Andrews (DE)
Kirschblüten über dem Meguro Fluss in Japan 20210210 Foto Milena Marzo (DE)
Haus in den Bergen in Indien 20210928 Foto Teerna Nayak (DE)
Aussicht über den Nærøyfjord in Norwegen 20210809 Foto Martin Kliemank (DE)

Every day is Europe Day

Do you already know our web page on Europe Day?

Europe Day 2021 - Europe goes on! | Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) (

Take a look at the diversity of Europe! Explore Europe virtually!