Department of Computer Science
Departmental timetable for the Department of Computer Science 2024/2025
All important dates relating to deadlines, lecture times and more.
Winter semester 2024/2025
- 30.09.24 - 24.01.25 Courses WiSe 2024/2025
- 19.10.24 - Absolventenfeier im Telekom-Dome, Bonn
- 07.11.24 - 08.11.24 - Exam inspection 1st + 2nd examination period
- 15.11.24 - Consultation on exams
- 27.11.24 - Day of Teaching 2024
- 16.12.24 - 30.12.24 - Registration for examinations WiSe 2024/25, 1st + 2nd examination period
- 23.12.24 - 03.01.25 - Lecture-free period Holidays
- 30.09.24 - 24.01.25 - Courses winter semester 2024/2025
- 27.01.25 - 07.02.25 - Examinations winter semester 2024/2025, 1st examination period
- 27.01.25 - 28.03.25 - Lecture-free period winter semester 2024/2025
- 27.01.25 - 12.02.25 - Course enrolment for the summer semester 2025
- 17.03.25 - 28.03.25 - Examinations winter semester 2024/2025, 2nd examination period
Summer semester 2025
- 31.03.25 - 04.07.25 - Courses SoSe 2025
- 08.05.25 - 09.05.25 - Exam inspection 1st + 2nd examination period
- 16.05.25 - Consultation on exams
- 26.05.25 - 09.06.25 - Registration for examinations SoSe 2025, 1st + 2nd examination period
- 07.07.25 - 18.07.25 - Examinations SoSe 2025, 1st examination period
- 07.07.25 - 26.09.25 - Lecture-free period summer semester 2025
- 15.09.25 - 26.09.25 - Examinations SoSe 2025, 2nd examination period
Winter semester 2025/2026
- 29.09.25 - 23.01.26 - Courses winter semester 2025/2026
- 06.11.25 - 07.11.25 - Exam inspection 1st + 2nd examination period
- 14.11.25 - Consultation on exams
- 15.12.25 - 29.12.25 - Registration for examinations WiSe 2025/2026, 1st + 2nd examination period
- 22.12.25 - 02.01.26 - Lecture-free period Holidays
- 29.09.25 - 23.01.26 - Courses winter semester WiSe 2025/2026
- 26.01.26 - 06.02.26 - Examinations winter semester 2025/2026, 1st examination period
- 26.01.26 - 10.04.26 - Lecture-free period winter semester 2025/2026
- 23.03.26 - 02.04.26 - Examinations winter semester 2025/2026, 2nd examination period
Summer semester 2026
- 13.04.26 - 17.07.26 - Courses SoSe 2026
- 21.05.26 - 22.05.26 - Exam inspection 1st + 2nd examination period
- 29.05.26 - Consultation on exams
All news and events in 2024, Department of Computer Science.