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Graduate Institute

Mandate and tasks of the GI

"Science is eternal in its source, immeasurable in its scope, endless in its task, unattainable in its purpose." (Karl Ernst von Baer, 1782-1876, estonian naturalist)

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With the graduate institute the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences sets a visible sign for the structural and sustainable support of graduates and their employees in their scientific further qualification. After all, application-oriented cutting-edge research is now part of the self-image of many technical colleges.

The institute primarily pursues two goals: Firstly, it offers a platform for bundling, developing and making more visible single initiatives that are successful so far in the promotion support of the faculties. Secondly, the institute facilitates the linking with approaches of an institutional and structured, scientific promotion of junior scientists in the German higher education landscape.

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In addition, the Graduate Institute sees itself as a link to the Promotionskolleg NRW, which was founded on December 14, 2020 as a joint scientific institution of the universities of applied sciences in NRW.

We're working for researchers.

Whether in the directorate, in the institute council or in the general assembly: The GI sees itself as an institute for doctoral candidates. Ordinary members are therefore not only professors who supervise ongoing doctoral projects, but also the doctoral candidates themselves. The GI is based on the general assembly, in which all members can contribute constructively.