University and District Library
Library for freshers
How to activate your LEA profile

So that other course members and lecturers can also find you, you should activate your LEA profile. To do this, log in to LEA and click on "Profile and data protection" at the top right then select "Publish profile" and decide which data you want to share. If you wish, you can upload a profile picture. Your profile is only visible to logged-in users LEA.
How to find your LEA courses and set up your Personal Desktop

If you are using LEA for the first time, you will need to join some courses yourself To do this, go to the "Magazine" item in the menu and navigate via your department to the courses of your courses
You can find your other courses via "Personal desktop > My courses and groups."
Come to the library and find your workstation

A variety of workstations are available in the library to meet your individual learning needs.
Activate your pin in Bib Discover to borrow media

To borrow items, you will need your library card and a 4-digit PIN, which you can assign yourself in Bib-Discover. Please register in Bib-Discover and open your "library card". There you can set up the PIN you want in the personal settings.
If you have any questions, the library team will be happy to help you.
Set up remote access for digital media services
Students and employees of H-BRS can also use e-books, e-journals and databases from home via the library's remote access service.
Contact us
A 107 / A 109 / A 167 / A 173 (Sankt Augustin), C 101.7 (Rheinbach)
Opening hours
Montag - Freitag: 9 - 17 Uhr
Support-Hotline: Montag - Freitag: 9 - 11 Uhr und 14 - 16 Uhr
Library Campus Sankt Augustin
Sankt Augustin
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8 am - 10 pm (from 6 pm: security staff)
Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm (from 3 pm: security staff)
Bibliothek Campus Rheinbach
Opening hours
Montag bis Freitag: 9 - 17 Uhr
Eingeschränkter Service! Möglich sind: Ausleihe von bestellten Medien