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Start-up Development (MBA)


Centrepiece of your MBA programme is the consecutive module Start-up and Innovation Project, in which you work on your own start-up company.

Start-up and Innovation Project

Fotografie Postkarte mit Raktenmotiv
1st to 4th Semester

Subject of the start-up and innovation project is the development of your own start-up idea from the generation of ideas to the development of the business model to the business plan and your first implementation steps in the market.

It will deepen the current academic content taught during your studies and to apply it one-to-one on your start-up project. Throughout your studies, the start-up process is run through holistically and theory and practice are intensively linked. The projects undergo a continuous process of adaptation and improvement during the joint working groups and coaching sessions with your fellow students and lecturers.

„Wir bieten eine einzigartige Kombination fundierter wissenschaftlicher Ausbildung mit einer zielgerichteten Unterstützung einer praktischen Unternehmensgründung, im Rahmen eines studentischen Gründungsprojekts – sozusagen ein wissenschaftliches Inkubatorprogramm mit akademischem Abschluss.”

Prof. Dr. Klaus Deimel - Studiengangsleiter Start-up Development (MBA)

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