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Department of Engineering and Communication

Martin Booms: Fear of AI? A digital ethical classification

Prof. Dr. Martin Booms


Thursday, 27 June 2024


18:15 - 19:45


Hörsaal 7, Campus Sankt Augustin

In the ninth and final lecture of the lecture series on technology and environmental ethics, Martin Booms, Professor of Philosophy, will clarify whether we should be afraid of AI. The rapid and unforeseen development of this technology may put some people off. At the end of the lecture series, Booms will discuss the topic from an ethical perspective.

On June 27, Prof. Dr. Martin Booms, Professor of Philosophy at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter, will be a guest at the TUE lecture series at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

The title of his lecture is “Who is afraid of artificial intelligence? A digital ethical classification”. In it, he will address the social concerns caused by AI and the points in which these are unfounded or misguided. To this end, he will provide an overall overview of digital ethics and show which factors are relevant for the ethics of digitalization as a whole.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence in a wide range of areas - from industrial applications and robots in the service sector to media production and communication - harbors opportunities, but also risks. Many people are particularly concerned about the loss of jobs, misinformation and disinformation and the possible misuse of the technology by criminals or even hostile states. Most recently, there has been renewed concern about AI becoming powerful, out of control and possibly threatening humanity. According to Prof. Booms, we should have dealt with this issue much earlier: “The fear of strong AI is coming too late - and it is targeting the wrong enemy. If there is one thing about artificial intelligence that should worry us, it is the weak AI that has long since become part of our everyday applications. This is what is changing the world.”

Martin Booms is Professor of Philosophy at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter, specializing in business and social ethics. He also teaches regularly at the University of St. Gallen and is the founding director of the Academy for Social Ethics and Public Culture in Bonn. Martin Booms deals with the ethical implications and consequences of social, economic and technological developments, including the ethical dimensions of digitalization. In addition to his academic work, he holds numerous public events and lectures and regularly appears on radio and television to discuss social developments.

In the summer semester 2024, artificial intelligence will be the focus of the lecture series on technology and environmental ethics at H-BRS. AI is now part of our lives, is changing our work and is developing rapidly. Nine experts will give lectures on AI in various scientific disciplines and professions and then discuss opportunities, risks and ethical issues with students and the audience.