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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)


In the E-val project, we are examining and optimizing current evaluation methods and processes against the current context of digitization in teaching and learning. Both technical and content-related changes in the evaluation process are being initiated in order to establish contemporary options.
e-val_logo_zum_hochladen.png (DE)

This is to be implemented within the project duration through the following activities:

Project part A - process-oriented/technical: Identification of need for action with regard to DSGVO (data protection) and Directive (EU) 2016/2102 (accessibility) and the implementation of interfaces.

Project part B - content-oriented: The digitization of teaching and learning is not solely a technical and process-oriented change, but also involves didactic, curricular and organizational-structural changes. In the project, we enter into professional discourse, develop recommendations and implement subprojects.

Project part A:

  • Data protection aspects and accessibility
  • Linking of the evaluation system (evasys) to the learning management system of the university (LEA)
  • Implementation of further interfaces and plug-ins in the evaluation system (evasys)

Project part B:

  • Collection and analysis of data on digital forms of teaching and learning, e.g. through participation in the nationwide higher education research project EdiHo (success factors of digital university teaching) and evaluative accompaniment of online formats, e.g. on the teaching and learning atmosphere in digital courses
  • Adaptation of internal surveys with regard to aspects of digital teaching

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